

25th June, 2021

For years I have always wanted to have a Midsummer Eve party. In the Northern Hemisphere our ‘big’ celebratory event falls in the depths of winter. Well why not celebrate the summer too? It is warmer, lighter and generally more pleasant to be outside at 10pm as the summer night closes in, unlike the winter  … Continue reading


4th March, 2021

Why is there a painting of a bloke in a frock coat looking out over some rocky crags, I hear you ask? Well, he’s the link you see. Read on. Biophilic design is a principle which I have unknowingly always lived by and until it started being bandied about as a principle, I naively thought  … Continue reading


5th February, 2021

Happy FriYAY! Yes it’s another delayed newsletter. What happened to once a month? No idea but I am secretly enjoying the quiet time to get on with the inevitable and rather daunting tasks of “behind the scenes” activities that go on at Ilala HQ in rural Somerset. And this newsletter is a fine example: better  … Continue reading


16th November, 2020

Welcome to Ilala’s autumn newsletter. It was great to see so many of you during Design Week back in September, and share the positive vibes. Now, as we chug slowly through another lockdown, I though I’d keep you posted on what we have been up to. We were thrilled to be asked to collaborate in a  … Continue reading


13th September, 2020

Welcome Good Friends. Strange times have past and yet may still be upon us: if it’s not the C word on the news it’s the B word (back to that again) so I thought this post needs to be positive and uplifting. The F word! We at ILALA are delighted to be taking part in Focus 2020,  … Continue reading

Happy Hour

22nd April, 2020

In these uncertain times, I feel we could all do with a cocktail of inspiration: A measure of colour, a dash of texture, a slice of the unexpected with lashings and lashings of comfort is for me, perfect design. As you may know, I launched my new-look brand Ilala during Design Week 2020 at Design Centre Chelsea  … Continue reading

Ilala At Design Week

25th March, 2020

Hello! OK so to Design Week. Previously, we had collated our entire collection of homewares, furniture, lighting and accessories into one big online shop. We have since decided to separate our Collection and the online Boutique, so there are now two avenues (and price points) to review the whole Ilala collection. For a bit  … Continue reading

Lighting Up February

6th February, 2020

As I drove along country lanes last week, chewing the brightly-coloured fruit pastels from the glove compartment, I realised that without the dark wintry months which we all complain about, we wouldn’t appreciate or even have the signs of early Spring and the hope that they bring. And as I rummaged for the red one,  … Continue reading

A Handwoven Christmas

22nd November, 2019

As we all are probably aware, the current buzzword, and hopefully it is a buzzword FOR, like, EVER is sustainability. Sustainability in fashion, in interiors, in our daily lives. I bet all of us reading this are pro sustainability, but does anyone know what it actually means? Well I won’t bore you with endless Wikipedia  … Continue reading